InnoWorkers explore aviation!
The University of Maryland InnoWorks chapter provides Prince George’s County students an opportunity to explore science and technology during a weeklong, hands-on summer camp. The InnoWorks experience instills a passion for science and technology, promotes teamwork, builds problem-solving skills, and increases student confidence in the sciences. The camp is free of charge, allowing students from all backgrounds to share in this experience.
The Innoworks Philosophy
Education in science and technology (STEM education) is vital to our community. The Obama Administration actively promoted the importance of STEM education, stating that the quality of our nation’s STEM education will determine “whether we are able to find solutions to challenges in many areas such as energy and health” (1).
Because science and technology are so valuable to our nation, the demand for STEM degrees in the workforce is expected to increase rapidly in the future. If current trends continue however, low income students will be at a disadvantage, as they are almost three times less likely to obtain a degree in a STEM field (2). At InnoWorks, we strive to give all students an opportunity to engage in STEM education, regardless of their financial situation.
We also strive to make STEM education FUN for students. We firmly believe that students should investigate and question how the world works through team activities. Studies show that solving problems as a team more effectively teaches STEM material to students (3). At Innoworks, we use these facts to give students the best education possible.
2010 report by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

InnoWorkers explore the properties of water through colorful experiment (look up "Walking Water" to see the results)!